Max Landis Might’ve Pitched The Perfect Idea For ‘Ghostbusters 3’ On Twitter

So there was a rumor that Max Landis was going to write the fresh new Ghostbusters script that would save the franchise and revive the plans for a third sequel. That was quickly denied and trashed, much like all those Ant-Man rumors and Justice League discussion.

But the death of those rumors gave Landis the idea to hit Twitter and share his idea to the world. It’s something that not everyone was fond of, but that’s expected. You might remember he’s done it before with his scrapped sequel to the highly entertaining Chronicle and his ideas for the Superman franchise. There’s also that star studded Death Of Superman video that was floating around.

He started off by sharing a nice little introduction/opening to the film (sort of sticking with the same tactics the video game did by referencing the mythology of the first movie):

Pretty cool stuff. Landis then took a break and came back later in the day to flesh out the rest of his idea to the Twitter crowd, explaining the whereabouts of the original characters and exactly how the Ghostbusters were doing in a modern world. It seems that Dan Aykroyd isn’t the best guy to be in the charge:

And there were even some interesting ideas for casting. They’d never happen in a million years (not today at least), but they’d be things I would want to see on the screen.

But of course, this won’t help the movie happen any faster. It also won’t quiet the haters who aren’t a fan of Landis or his crazy fanboy act (not my opinion, I’m a fan). It’s cool that you can get these ideas directly from the source though. It’s the brighter side of the Internet. Away from the weird snuff porn and animal sacrifices.

What part of the Internet am I hanging out at you ask? Well that’s for another post. Until then, head over to Max Landis’ Twitter to read the rest of his cool little idea. Just don’t try to be a hater, OK?

(Via SlashFilm / Max Landis)