‘Psycho’ In Real Life: A Brooklyn Woman Slept With Her Mom’s Corpse For Three Years

Early this morning the New York Post reported on a story about Chava Stirn, a 28-year-old woman who had been living, sleeping, and sharing meals (sorta) with the corpse of her mom for three years. I usually get tired of hanging out with my mom’s dead body after visiting home for a week, but to each his own.

A Brooklyn woman spent three years living in a cramped apartment with her dead mom — propping her up at the dinner table and sleeping next to her skeleton every night, The Post has learned.

Chava Stirn, 28, even dressed like her mother — wearing the same black outfit and shoes that 61-year-old Susie Rosenthal had on when she died.

First off, a big thanks to the New York Post for reporting on this real-life ‘Psycho’ case, but there are more than a couple unanswered questions on my mind.

Stirn set Rosenthal’s bones on a bed of trash bags in the kitchen of their Borough Park apartment, a law-enforcement source said.

OK. Bones? Was this a clean skeleton? You don’t have to go into gory details, NYP, but on a scale from dude-you-have-no-idea to omg-yes, how accurate is the stock photo? I like to think this crime’s a bit sillier if there’s no skin or hair.

Neighbors didn’t smell anything suspicious until the super of the building tried to investigate a leak coming from the apartment on Monday afternoon, police sources said.

I’ma need to know what that leak was, as you can imagine. Just a regular kind of water leak, like a leaky faucet, or rivers of bile and blood?

Stirn refused to open her door, so emergency workers knocked it down — and found her in a chair, looking disheveled, surrounded by waist-high piles of trash, police sources said.

Stirn, who lived with her mom before her death, never left the home, neighbors said.

She refused to let anyone inside the apartment, so a relative would sometimes leave food outside her door, the police sources said.

Neighbors often heard strange noises coming from the apartment. “When I listened, she was screaming . . . [She yelled] ‘I kill myself, I kill myself!’ ” said Malka Lerner, 41.

Is this what living in New York is like? That sounds like some shit out of ‘Big,’ when Tom Hanks has to get his own apartment and is bombarded by Sounds of Vice and Adulthood and starts crying. Hope you find that fortune teller machine soon, Chava!

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