Another Retirement Community Made An Awesome Calendar Of Famous Movies

Earlier this year, the Contilia Retirement Group in Germany released a wonderful calendar that featured a variety of senior citizen residents recreating scenes from their favorite movies, and naturally the Internet responded with a massive “+1.” The folks at the Senior Living Communities in the United States definitely noticed, because they thought it was a spectacular idea and decided to give it a whirl with the senior citizens living in their nine communities in South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia and Indiana.

The result is an 18-month calendar that takes on classic movies from A Christmas Story to Cleopatra, as well some other great moments in pop culture history that your own grandparents would probably call the bee’s knees.

Members had a blast designing costumes, searching for the perfect props, and actually getting camera ready the day of the shoot. Through the magic of green screen (and of course some Photoshop) Members photos actually came to life!

Each community came together on their own to create two photos for this amazing 18-month spread. The photos are fun and sometimes hilarious! Members were thrilled with being asked to not only participate but to use their vision to create these memorable scenes. Some Members were even asked for their autograph after the shoot! They felt like movie stars. (Via Senior Living Communities, H/T to Buzzfeed)

I’ve included seven of my favorite recreations below, so check out the rest of them on the SLC website. And if your grandparents are residents at any of those fine communities, you should consider purchasing one of the calendars so they can afford to keep up the annual STD awareness classes. Although, that’s probably only important for the community in Florida. Those southern retirees are like wrinkly rabbits.

And my personal favorite and impetus for sharing this delightful story…