Frotcast 95: Fantasy Summer Box Office w/Laremy, Thomas Kinkade, Mel Gibson

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I’ve been getting lots of good feedback on this Frotcast, so if you’ve never listened before, hey, maybe give it a try. Or, if you’re trying to turn your friends onto the Frotcast (note: please turn your friends onto the Frotcast!) maybe start them on this one. This week, we had Laremy Legel from LIVE IN THE FROTQUARTERS! He bought me some booze and I drank it all, and we held our Fantasy Summer Box Office Draft. We also talked about Thomas Kinkade being a drunk lunatic, Mel Gibson, charities, school loan debt, and why cerebral palsy is the thinking man’s palsy. You can read Adam’s more detailed episode notes after the jump, in case you want to skip to certain segments (feel free, it’s your world, man).


VINCE (choosing first): Dark Knight Rises (HA! Suck it, losers!), Total Recall, Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, BOMB PICK: The Raven
BEN (he chose second): The Avengers, Men in Black 3, Ice Age, BOMB PICK: Men in Black 3.
BRET: Brave, Snow White & The Huntsman, Bourne Legacy, BOMB PICK: Dark Shadows
LAREMY: Prometheus, GI Joe: Retaliation, Madagascar, BOMB PICK: Rock of Ages
BRENDAN: Amazing Spider-Man, Battleship, Expendables 2, BOMB PICK: Battleship

[Notes by Adam]

This week in a rambunctious episode we have Frotcast regular Laremy Legel of in the Frotquarters for the 2nd annual Summer Box Office Fantasy Draft, discuss Mel Gibson’s recent news, Vince drinks all of the booze Laremy bought him, and we have a grand ol’ time.

  • 00:03:18 – Mel Gibson is back in the news over a conflict with Joe Eszterhas, writer of Basic Instinct and Showgirls. As usual, Gibson is claimed to have made disparaging remarks about Jewish people. Vince goes on a mini-rant about charities.
  • 00:10:39 – The guys learn a bit more about Laremy, and how he got to where he is now. There is some more talk about American Reunion.
  • 00:19:32 – Vince reads a list of the WASPiest names: college lacrosse players [specifically, the 2012 all-name team]. The guys talk about the debt of higher education, commercials during day time television, loans from Indian reservations, what they’re drinking, and Jesus as Vice President.
  • 00:36:54 – Bret reveals that he has missed the past few Frotcasts because he was traveling Europe. Brendan saw Ann Coulter wearing a mink coat at the airport. With the passing of Thomas “Painter of Light” Kinkade, Vince reads an email from a listener who shares her personal experience with the artist.
  • 00:51:20 – The 2nd annual Summer Box Office Fantasy Draft leads off with Vince making the most obvious pick, Bret has trouble understanding the drafting order, and Brendan makes a strong, strategic move which Ben copies. Some news about Lindy West is revealed.
  • 01:24:48 – Vince has gotten a dog and is astonished with its shitting prowess.

Don’t forget to check out Laremy’s podcast, Brad ‘n’ Laremy on Movies, at iTunes.

Drunk on! – Adam