The Best Of 'Community's' #Pillows And Blankets

I’ve given it some thought over the weekend, and for my money “Pillows and Blankets,” the second installment of Abed and Troy’s pillow/blanket war, has entered into the “Remedial Chaos Theory” pantheon of Community greatness. Not only was parodying the Ken Burns PBS documentary style beyond brilliant and another notch in the show’s pop culture belt, but the sheer volume of nuanced comedy was too much to absorb in one viewing. Texting, Pillowmen, DJ Fat Neal, Britta’s photography, it was streets ahead overload.

Thankfully we have the internet to analyze, screengrab, GIF, and cosplay every moment. As a licensed Community evangelist I suggest reviewing all the “Pillows and Blankets” goodness the web has to offer here and then revving up the DVR for a rewatch ASAP. You owe it to yourself, the show’s once again slumping ratings, and the jackass who thinks Big Bang Theory is more innovative. Nice timing, bro.

Sources: #Pillows+And+Blankets, Splitsider, Pajiba

By our friend Jon Defreest…
And in case you missed it, Dan Harmon finally made an appearance…