Kirk Cameron Says His Latest Movie Will ‘Rile Atheists’ And Win The War On Christmas

Kirk Cameron sure has some fightin’ words. His latest movie, Saving Christmas, is set to come out this November, and promises to – according to Kirk – “take on the most commonly parroted myths people have about Christmas.” A right-wing Evangelical TWEENY-BOPPER SOOTHSAYER? Guys, I’m so scared! In an interview with Glenn Beck’s website, The Blaze, he continues:

“It’s a scripted story about a guy named Christian White who represents the typical white Christian male and he’s got a bad case of religious bah humbugs”

And continues . . .

“He is just deflating his wife’s entire Christmas party because he has come to believe that everything we’re doing at Christmas to celebrate is wrong.”

And honestly just continues to improve:

“Christmas is probably my favorite time of year . . . It seems to be the time of year when even cranky, grumpy people seem to be touched by the spirit of generosity and kindness and brotherly love and I know that that ultimately stems from the true reason for the season, which is Christ.”

Slight fact check, Kirk. Depression rates – that’s the scientific word for “cranky, grumpy people” – actually rise during the winter season. Also everything you say is wrong, always. Call me a “Christmas fruit-snuffer” (ouch), but I tend to think that “90 percent of the people in this country” don’t want to see “nativity scenes” this Christmas. My hunch? Sex, or Vitamixes.

Saving Christmas comes out this November, and will be produced by CAMFAM studios (Cameron’s production company) and Provident Studios. It’s part of a newish terrifying trend in film that merges Christian-based themes (Heaven is for Real, Son of God) with America-based capitalism. Enemies of Jesus? Defenders of Satan? Jews? Be prepared. Kirk Cameron is coming – to rile you.

Vince’s Note: This looks like a sad retread of Christmas With A Capital C, starring Daniel Baldwin and Ted McGinley.