The ‘Fantastic Four’ Reboot Leaks Its Doctor Doom

If you look at the history of the Fantastic Four coming to the big screen, it’s pretty bleak; every time a movie has been made, it’s not out of love of the team, but a need to hang onto the rights. And Josh Trank might be stuck in the same boat.

Originally leaked by Geek Pride, these appear to be second unit shots for special effects purposes. To be fair, this is against a CGI background, and Doom himself might largely be a cartoon character in this movie. That said, well, see for yourself:

The above photo features a stand-in for the Thing, if you were wondering what Harley Quinn’s beefier brother was doing in this movie. As for the crumpled foil suit, we don’t know.

To the right you’ll also see the stand-in for the Human Torch. It is worth noting that all the time and energy appears to have been spent on the mask, which does actually look good, and the suit is likely nothing more than a stand-in for the actual armor.

At least we hope so. We’ll find out next year.

Doctor Doom cosplay courtesy of Jesse Jarvis