Meme Watch: This Falling Bear's Plight Is Unbearably Funny

Reddit tipped us to a news item about a bear which climbed up a tree near student housing at the University of Colorado Boulder last Thursday morning. Although bears are awesome, something had to be done about student safety when the bear wouldn’t leave. (Dude, bears are always the last one at your party and respond to your yawning by asking, “Tired? Hey, we should go to McDonalds!” Jeez, take a hint, salmon breath.)
Wildlife officials placed padded mats from the rec center under the tree and then tranquilized the bear. A picture was taken at just the right moment by Andy Duann and published in several news stories like this one. The internet had fun with that photo this weekend, and we’ve collected our favorite photoshops, GIFs, and image macros here.

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You’re never gonna keep him down.

Grrr, scientific nomenclature jokes!

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Hey, we found an EXCLUSIVE video of the bear’s capture:
Seems legit.