A New Mod Recreates ‘Watch Dogs’ Within ‘Grand Theft Auto IV’ With Ridiculous Results

Ubisoft may have sold Watch Dogs on its interesting-sounding hack-anything gameplay, but the end result pretty much just played like a French-developed Grand Theft Auto. So hey, why not just recreate the Watch Dogs experience within GTA itself? Well, the new #WatchDogsIV fan-made mod for Grand Theft Auto IV does exactly that.

Now you can traipse around Liberty City as Aiden Pearce while messing with traffic lights, security cameras, ATMs and much more! And since GTAIV is much more legitimately open world than Watch Dogs, you can make some truly absurd stuff happen with the mod. Here’s somebody causing a hilarious 60-car flaming pile-up by fiddling with traffic lights…

If you want to get a little Watch Dogs action up in your GTA IV you can download the mod right here.

Via PC Gamer