A Charity Makes Children Superheroes With Prosthetic Wolverine Claws

E-nabling The Future is a charity dedicated to 3D-printing and donating prosthetic hands for children who can’t afford them. The story behind the charity is great in of itself and will warm all but the coldest and blackest of hearts. And the neat idea one volunteer had will take care of the rest.

Essentially, he had the idea to make the kids superheroes by giving them Wolverine claws. It’s actually a much simpler design than it sounds; the hands don’t pop the claws, they’re simply one solid piece that can be attached and removed by using Velcro. He even built the hand using the traditional colors of the Wolverine… well, the Wolverines, as he’s a UM fan, but it worked out well. And no, they’re not sharp; keep in mind the goal of the charity, here.

It’s a nice touch not least because as anybody who’s worked with kids can tell you, it’s the little things that make it for them. A prosthetic hand will feel a lot cooler to a kid when you can make an argument for being the best there is at what they do with it.

Want to pitch in? Here’s the volunteer page. There’s nothing quite like being a massive nerd and ensuring a child has a better life at the same time.