Steve-O Is Taunting The Celebrity Nude Photo Hackers With Racy Pics Of His Own

In the wake of the nude celebrity photo leak scandal which has claimed victims from Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and Vanessa Hudgens to Kim Kardashian (the word “victim” used slightly more loosely on that one) — Hollywood and the mainstream media have generally banded together in solidarity against the creepy creepy anonymous 4chan assholes. Well, young Hollywood starlets, you can now sleep easily again at night because champion of men Steve-O has taken a stand and come forward on Twitter to challenge the celeb hacking ring to steal his own racy photos.

BREAKING: A representative of the 4chan celeb photo hacking ring has decided to publicly respond to Steve-O’s challenge via UPROXX:

Uhh … Thanks, but we’re good.

(Via TMZ)