William Shatner Officially Announces That He’s Been Contacted About ‘Star Trek 3’

We mentioned the other day how there is indeed a part for William Shatner in Star Trek 3, and now we have confirmation from the man himself. At Wizard World Nashville, Shatner spilled the beans on J.J. Abrams’ offer to bring him back to the Enterprise. Or something along those lines. Not even he is sure how they’ll do it. From TrekMovie:

So he calls and says “I’m calling, Bill, because the director of the Star Trek movie, the next one, has had an idea where you might be involved in it. So I am calling to see if you would be interested.” I said “Oh, yeah. If it is meaningful.” When Leonard was Spock in that first movie, I said to Leonard “you know when you go back in time you are still old.” So it depends on what you do with the character. I said “I would be delighted.” And he said “you can’t say anything.” And I said “I wont even tell my wife. I wont tell anyone. I wouldn’t do that, JJ.”

So I get back from Australia and it is all over the Internet, that the director held an interview and said they wanted Shatner and Nimoy to be in the next movie. I bet JJ is frothing at the mouth. So the news is out that they have an idea that they want Leonard and myself. They might want Leonard and myself . I don’t know what to do with it. How do you get me fifty years later into the movie…I know it’s science fiction, but even I couldn’t come up with an idea.

I have an idea of how they might actually get him into the movie:

Pure f*cking rebellion, right? That or they do that creepy mo-cap and have him replace Chris Pine digitally. “Anything to get me back in the fold, boys.” That’s what he’ll be saying.

The full clip is below and he’s pretty fun to listen to as usual. Anytime he gets to ham it up to a crowd of people that adore him, I’m sure Shatner is all grins. Galaxy Quest basically ruined any chance he had of me thinking he wasn’t just a ham for the attention. I still like him, I just can’t get past it.

(Via Trek Movie / Comic Book Movie)