Cinemax Producers Get The Greenlight To Sue An Actress For Reneging On A Nude Scene

A softcore controversy has erupted over Cinemax and a former Saw 3D actress, who are currently beefing about a simulated sex scene. Actres Anne Greene (pictured, below) actually drew first blood, suing Cinemax, Time Warner, HBO, and a production company called True Crime in a case that was set to go to trial this Summer. She alleged that they bullied and threatened her into doing a nude scene on a “Cinemax After Dark” series called Femme Fatales. Those parties then counter-sued, saying Greene knew full well what she was getting into, complete with signing a contract with a nudity clause and seeing casting breakdowns that included nudity requirements highlighted. They contend that they made accommodations for her, and that she still backed out at the last minute, causing them to violate their own hilarious “no pasty” policy.

Nevertheless, Greene says she never would have agreed to the job if she knew it involved “soft-core porn.” She says she only went ahead with simulated sexual intercourse “under duress,” the result of a $100,000-plus threat for breaching her contract, and that the producers violated multiple union rules and regulations, including the requirement to have a closed set and a requirement to make the performer aware in writing to any script changes involving explicit nudity and depiction of sexual intercourse. […]

It was only at the last moment, according to True Crime, that Greene expressed her discomfort with a scene featuring simulated oral sex. Then, on the second day of shooting, before Greene was to simulate nude sex with a male actor, she objected to being topless. With no time to replace her, she was fitted with “pasties” to obscure her nipples. But this allegedly violated an HBO rule.

Who came up with this “rule?” Did it go in an official memo? I wish I could’ve been in the room with Spinach and Date Rape Dan when they sent that out on official Skinemax letterhead. “Bullet point three: NO PRUDES, and we’re totes serious about this.”

“The True Crime representative knew the ‘Pasties’ would show on film and therefore require True Crime to hire a body double and spend substantial time editing (both at significant unbudgeted expense) just to get the frontal partially nude shots called for in the scene, and would not be compliant with HBO’s policy prohibiting the use of ‘Pasties’ in sex scenes,” stated the counterclaims. “Nevertheless, the True Crime representative agreed to accommodate Greene’s wishes in order to mitigate and minimize True Crime’s losses.”

So, Dustin already covered all of this part of the story when it hit back in April. The counterclaim by the production company then begat a motion to strike from Greene’s lawyers, calling them “retaliatory action to impinge her First Amendment right to petition a hostile work environment.” This week, a judge dismissed that motion to strike, allowing the production company’s countersuit to proceed. Don’t worry, it gets interesting again soon.

Greene, represented by attorneys Keith Fink and Jennifer Yeung, added other salacious details about what she was asked to do for Femme Fatales — including performing with a male actor wearing a sock on his penis who allegedly began to bleed from his mouth onto Greene’s face and body during the filming. [TheHollywoodReporter]

Amazingly, the article does not specify whether the sock penis guy’s bleeding from the mouth was part of the script or just a really inspired ad-lib. Ironically, if it had been a real sex scene, they both would’ve had to get tested first, making the blood presumably less scary.

Anyway, more news as it comes, but in the meantime, my take away here is that I really should be setting my DVR for Femme Fatales.