What The Hell Is Wrong With Artie Lange And Why Did He Make A Slave Joke About An ESPN Reporter?

Artie Lange has problems, I think we all know that. I think we’re all familiar with his demons, his substance abuse issues, his suicide attempt in 2010, and everything else. But I’m not sure any of that excuses the comedian from this weird, weird string of jokes about ESPN reporter Cari Champion.

For those not aware, Cari Champion is the host of First Take on ESPN2. You know, the one with Screamin’ A. Smith and Skip Bayless. Champion used to be on the Tennis Channel and I actually met her at the French Open a few years back. She’s a lovely woman and quite talented and it’s a shame her talents are going to waste on a show like that. But I digress.

Here’s what Lange said.

I’m all for pushing boundaries in comedy. I think the most successful comedians are the ones who hit on subjects others are afraid to touch. That’s why I love Louis CK, Jim Norton and Joan Rivers, among others. But these jokes aren’t even good. These jokes are flat-out stupid and kind of gross. I get that he was trying to be over-the-top but I didn’t laugh here, not once.

If you’re going to push the boundaries of race in a joke (like Chris Rock), be good at it. Don’t just say, “LOL, black person, slave…HAHA guys.” No, that makes you sound like an ignorant, unfunny racist. Stop it.