Proof That John Mulaney Has A Really Good Sense Of Humor About His Troubled Fox Sitcom

Poor John Mulaney. He’s such a talented and nice guy, with such a bad Fox sitcom. According to the Rotten Tomatoes reviews of freshman series on the networks this fall, Mulaney comes in dead last (with a scant 15 percent). The series order has already been shortened, and ratings have not been good, so when Mulaney appeared on Comedy Central’s @midnight and lost in their trivia contest, Mulaney conceded the hard truth in a nod toward the ultimate fate of his Fox sitcom.

It’s OK, Mulaney. We know he’s talented. We love his stand-up. We just choose to believe that Mulaney is the sitcom that Fox forced on him, not that one he wanted to make. That it’s his Lucky Louie and that his next effort will be the Louie we always wanted for him.

Source: FYJM