Bryan Cranston Is Voicing The Children’s Audiobook ‘You Have To F*cking Eat’

From Samuel L. Jackson to Werner Herzog, Adam Mansbach’s bestseller Go the F*ck to Sleep has been read by some pretty famous voices, because people just love the idea of cursing to children. In fact, enough people loved Mansbach’s 2011 “children’s book for adults” that he is back this week with the highly-anticipated sequel, You Have to F*cking Eat. Illustrated by Owen Brozman, Mansbach’s new book is already earning strong reviews from Entertainment Weekly and TODAY, and it’s safe to say that the author has another hot page turner on his hands.

But part of the charm of Go the F*ck to Sleep, which has also been optioned for a movie, was the fact that Jackson was recruited to narrate the audiobook, as the actor is everyone’s go-to guy when it comes to dropping the perfect F-bomb. So which actor is brave enough to fill those shoes for the audiobook for You Have to F*cking Eat? Bryan Cranston, of course.

“This is a very funny book and my hope is that listeners will agree that I can swear with just as much panache as Samuel Jackson,” Cranston said in a statement.

Sample line: “The bunnies are munching on carrots. The lambs nibble grasses and bleat. I know you’re too hungry to reason with but you have to (bleeping) eat.” Now imagine it’s read by Walter White. (Via the Washington Post)

It’s hard not to have confidence in Cranston’s cursing talents, but at least he recognizes that he’s taking the stage right after the GOAT already stole the show.