James Franco Tries To Break The Internet With Bunny Ears and Peanut Butter

If Kim Kardashian’s nudity wasn’t enough, Paper Magazine continued its efforts to #BreakTheInternet on Saturday with the assistance of James Franco. Franco took requests from random internet users for a 45-minute Google Hangout titled #MakeJamesDo. Turns out, people on the internet are weird. Go figure!

Among other things, Franco made art with peanut butter and jelly, painted himself with peanut butter, sang “Happy Birthday, Mr. President” in a pink tutu and simulated cunnilingus with a sock. If you’re into any or all of those things, check out the video above. If you detest Franco, it’s rather cathartic.

Further proving how well they know their audience, Paper Magazine modified the famous Kardashian cover with James’s likeness. Check it out below.


(Source: Gawker / Vulture)