Extra Hot Coffee: ‘GTA V’ Lets You Have Creepy First-Person Sex With Prostitutes

The new current-gen version of Grand Theft Auto V has a first-person mode, and it makes driving stolen cars and shooting random people all the more visceral and fun – but wait, isn’t there something else the GTA series is known for? Yup, you can now have sex with prostitutes in first-person and Rockstar have spared no uncomfortable detail. The sex scenes aren’t terribly graphic in terms of what you see, but they do feature extremely graphic dialog and sounds of the type usually reserved for porn (or, y’know, actually doin’ it). There’s lots of…wet noises…and talk of bodily fluids and anatomy. Definitely not what you’d expect from a piece of mainstream entertainment.

So, with that set-up, how can you not watch? In case you haven’t got the gist yet, this features some very NSFW audio, so turn those speakers down…

Hey, remember when people found blocky, fully clothed sex scenes in GTA: San Andreas and the world lost it’s goddamn mind? We’ve come a long way. I guess. Where’s Hillary Clinton when we need her?

Via PC Gamer