You Don’t Even Have To Get Off Your Couch To Buy Girl Scout Cookies Now

If you’re the type of person who either hates interacting with pre-teen businesswomen or doesn’t want people to see how many boxes of Thin Mints you’ll purchase at one time to stuff in your freezer, the Girl Scouts of the United States of America are making your dreams come true. Everyone’s favorite cookie peddlers will soon be selling Girl Scout Cookies online so we don’t even have to peel ourselves off our denim futons anymore. And the best part about it? You can still buy cookies from your favorite Girl Scouts to help them dominate their peers. Cookies taste even better when they’re baked in the tears of competition.

Using a strategy similar to crowd funding, which has been successful in raising money for everything from a Kenny Loggins concert to potato salad parties, Girl Scout councils will have individual web pages set up to keep track of the success of cookie sales. Most importantly, according to Girl Scouts Chief Communications Executive (and real-life Lindsay Naegle) Kelly Parisi, this process is all about being digital girls in a social media world.

“We are girl-led and girl-driven. We go where girls are, and girls are digital natives,” Parisi says. “The digital component will enhance the sales, and the byproduct will be a larger social imprint from the girls.” (Via USA Today)

Girl Scouts will still be setting up shop outside of your local stores, so this online option basically means that their long-distance family members will be able to nag all of their friends and co-workers until they break down and fork over their cash. Also, it’s another great excuse to use when you lie and say, “I already bought some earlier.”

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to queue up my order for 600 cases of Samoas, because they are, without a doubt, the greatest of all Girl Scout cookies. Even if they’re not made from real Girl Scouts…