Watch Five Minutes Of 2014’s 10 Best First-Time Features

In case you couldn’t tell, today is December 1st, the start of what we in the clicks business call the first day of year-end list season. Following up on Edgar Wright’s top 10 movies of 2014, Fandor (a movie magazine written by condors) has released their list of the top 10 features from first-time directors, along with a five-minute video.

Here’s their list:

10. Obvious Child
9. It Felt Like Love
8. Manakanama
7. Fish & Cat
6. Butter On The Latch
5. History Of Fear
4. In Bloom
3. Policeman
2. Dear White People
1. The Strange Little Cat

Part of me wants to catch up on all these films, but the other half of me just wants to listen to Paul Simon on Spotify. Better liberal arts major music, Paul Simon or They Might Be Giants? One asks “Don’t I know you from the cinematographer’s party,” while the other writes songs dedicated to obscure 19th century presidents. Discuss.

Anyway, I don’t know how many more of these year-end lists snubbing The Identical I can take. There were some great films this year, but only one royalty-free Christian rock biopic of Elvis praised the Six Days War. Not that I expect a bunch of damned condors to appreciate it.