You Can Now 3D Print Your Own Ball Droid From ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

Earlier today we were amused by the guy who got the likeness of the ball droid from Star Wars: The Force Awakens tattooed on his leg. But what if you want to cup a ball droid in your hands without permanent body modification? How about a ball droid you can leave on a bus if it no longer amuses you or goes all Jar Jar? Thankfully, Thingiverse member lilykill quickly whipped up 3D-printing plans for your very own ball droid sculpture, assuming you have access to a 3D printer and don’t mind painting it yourself.

“This is the droid you’re looking for.”

Oh man, how cool would it be if Harrison Ford made a huge one of these and reenacted his old movies with it? What? Stoners do weird things, dude. It could happen.

Via Gizmodo, Thingiverse, @DisneyTimesNews, and @JediHunter66