Savings Alert! You Can Now Buy A Japanese ‘Frozen’ Calendar For $830,000

If someone gives you a calendar for Christmas, it’s a pretty clear sign they don’t love you. Between Far Side and those 365 dumb daily quote calendars (poor Yogi Berra), calendars are emotional shorthand for “I’ve given up.” Now, however, Tokyo Jewelers Ginza Tanaka hopes to reverse that trend with a pure platinum Frozen calendar, costing over 100 million yen, or approximately $829,126.70.

According to The Guardian, the calendar weighs approximately 22 pounds, and is approximately 30” x 20.” Frozen has been enormously popular both here in America and abroad, but especially in Japan, where viewers see it as a fair, digestible critique of male power. Also, who doesn’t like Princesses!!! Customers who can’t quite dish out the hundreds of thousands can also buy The Family Dollar version for either $500 or $130. Seems like a good deal to me.

If you have the time (and if you’re reading this, you definitely do), I strongly encourage you to check out the other toys on Ginza Tanaka’s website. Earlier this year they released a pure gold Godzilla for an easy $1.5 million. My favorite Japanese Frozen-based toy, however has to be The Close-Sister Bra: a bra whose e-paper padding changes when pressed against another bra with e-paper padding. Two sizes are available: “Big Sister” or “Little Sister.” I’m not sure if I know or have ever known any woman who would ever want to do that ever, but the thought is nice! Certainly better than a calendar. Maybe not a mug.