Why Buy Your Kid A Rocking Horse When An X-Wing Will Do?

Steve of Steve’s Wooden Toys has created a one-of-a-kind rocker, handmade to look like an X-Wing from Star Wars. It even includes a removable R2-D2 that you can mount behind the seat in his little astromech pod.

The pine, macrocarpa (a cypress tree native to New Zealand, where Steve’s from) and rimu wood rideable spacecraft is almost four feet long, four feet wide, and 25 inches tall. You can unmount the wings for storage or transportation. The Artoo’s head even spins around.

It’s a beautifully made piece, and he put it up for sale in New Zealand, with half the proceeds going to Starship Children’s Health, a children’s hospital in Auckland. The listed price was $950, and apparently it didn’t sell. He hasn’t re-listed it yet.

This is almost a good enough reason for me to have children. I’d settle for having enough money to buy it for someone else’s kid.

There are more detailed photos available on Facebook.

Via Archie McPhee