The ‘Game Of Thrones’ IMAX Screening Has Been Pushed Back To Add More Theaters

As we informed you earlier in the month, Game of Thrones will be coming to IMAX theaters soon (with some fine print). Two episodes from last season will be shown back-to-back, followed by the trailer for the highly anticipated fifth season. While it was originally thought the showings would be on January 23rd, brace yourselves, as a change is coming.

As Entertainment Weekly points out:

Now the acclaimed fantasy hit will come to IMAX theaters on Jan. 29, one week later than originally announced. But Thrones will also be in about 200 theaters instead of the originally planned 150. The change was “prompted by extraordinary consumer response that drove online mentions for IMAX to record heights, will allow for an expanded domestic roll-out,” the theater company said.

So essentially, the hype got big enough that they added 50 more IMAX locations, and they pushed the showing back a week. This will not only create a bigger buzz, but will also give a chance for some people just finding out about it to still get on board. Just a few of the listed locations for Game of Thrones IMAX showings are Boston, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, L.A, New York, Seattle, Las Vegas, and many others. Contact your local IMAX to see if you will be given the gift of blood and boobs on the BIG big screen in a few weeks time.