Here’s that girl from Spy Kids in a bikini

Robert Rodriguez started directing Alexa Vega in Spy Kids when she was 12 or 13, and now that she’s 24, he’s got her in a bikini and bedazzled chaps on the set of Machete Kills, which is set to open next spring. Now that I think about it, every director could use a kids’ movie franchise. It’s kind of like your farm team. I like that necklace too. It’s one of those “What? I-was-only-looking-at-your-necklace” necklaces. Anyway, I guess if you name your daughter “Alexa Vega,” you sort of expect her to end up in a metal bikini. Which in this case is functional, it keeps the ejected uzi cartridges from hitting her in the boobs. Important.

In the sequel, ex-federale Machete (Danny Trejo) is recruited by the U.S. government to stop an arms dealer (Mel Gibson) from launching a deadly missile. Michelle Rodriguez, Sofia Vergara, Amber Heard, Charlie Sheen, Lady Gaga, Antonio Banderas, Jessica Alba, Demian Bichir, Vanessa Hudgens, Cuba Gooding, Jr., William Sadler and Marko Zaror also star. [ComingSoon]

She’s like one Danny Trejo’s tattoos come to life, but younger. (full size pic below)

[RollingStone via ComingSoon]