A British Man Is Throwing A Big Party For Men With Small Penises


When it comes to body image issues, most people don’t stop to consider the plight of the micropeen — or men with less than average penis size — but one man, a poet from Yorkshire named Ant Smith, is hoping to change that. After having gotten the dialogue started last year with a poem about his own four inch penis, Smith wants to help other men who experience anxiety about their own, ahem, shortcomings.

On March 7 in London, Smith is hosting a “Small Penis Party.” The entry fee will be based on penile length, asking 50p per inch of penis, although it’s unclear as to whether or not that’s at full attention or not. Likewise, women will be asked to pay the same amount per inch of hypothetical dick they prefer. According to the Facebook invite, the party, which will feature various performances, is going to be filmed for an upcoming documentary and “will contain nudity and may contain nuts.” Sold and sold!

Smith spoke to Vice about his project:

“All of us had started a really important conversation, and people were starting to take notice,” says Ant. “I had to take the conversation to the next step, and it suddenly dawned on me that what I was trying to do here was tackle a body image issue.

“I was having a drunken chat recently with a friend who had penis size anxiety, and he told me it was because his dick was six inches. If a guy in that position can be wasting energy and having moments of misery in their life, then the world is seriously broken.”

Finally, small dicks and the women who love them will have a place in society. Here’s the dick-filled artwork from the poster of the event:

(H/T @MShrayber)