Watch This Guy Pull Off A Flawless ‘Uptown Funk’ Dance Routine On A Treadmill

All due respect to Michelle Obama and Ellen DeGeneres’ amazing “Uptown Funk” booty shake, but it’s got nothing on Carson Dean’s routine.

In what may be the three millionth tribute to Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson’s unkillable wiggle-inducer, Dean trades a dance crew for a treadmill, punctuating his 90 second routine with a well-timed bicep kiss and a couple of jump kicks. Is this the best dance routine in the history of solo (we’re leaving OK Go out of this) dance routines on moving surfaces?

To suggest that would be virtual insanity. Dean isn’t being menaced by a moving sofa, and his hat game is pedestrian when compared to Jamiroquai’s. Not bad for an amateur treadmill dancer, though.

Via YouTube