Nintendo Is Now Claiming That Reports About A Live-Action ‘Legend Of Zelda’ Netflix Series Were False

Folks got really, really excited back in February when word broke about a possible Legend Of Zelda series on Netflix. And not just any Zelda series, it would be a live-action attempt. No crummy animated adventures for this day and age, they were planning to get Game of Thrones up in this piece (is that how kids talk). At least that was the plan, if the rumors were true.

The Wall Street Journal reported the original story, but Nintendo’s CEO Satoru Iwata is crying foul. Iwata revealed to Time magazine that the WSJ got its facts mixed up on the possible series:

In early February, the Wall Street Journal reported that Netflix was developing a live-action series based on Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda franchise. But Mr. Iwata says those rumors are inaccurate.

“As of now, I have nothing new to share with you in regard to the use of our IPs for any TV shows or films, but I can at least confirm that the article in question is not based on correct information,” says Iwata.

Well that’s a little deflating. Sure, the series might’ve been complete junk and it probably would’ve pissed fans off. Even so, the speculation would’ve been fun, and there could’ve been plenty of theorizing and casting rumors all over the place.

On the other hand, this could just be a diversionary tactic away from the truth. Nintendo might be trying to surprise fans with the series or they might be keeping hush about their own plans. Netflix might not actually be in the picture and the company might instead opt to go Sony and Microsoft’s route with original programming streamed directly to their new console. Who knows. This is why you should never get your hopes up to a point where crashing would hurt tremendously.

(Via Time / Kotaku)