The UPROXX GammaStream: Watch Us Die Frequently And Horribly In ‘Bloodborne’

The wait is finally over, Sony’s big exclusive from the makers of Dark Souls has arrived! Yes, Bloodborne is finally here, and I’m ready to subject myself to whatever punishment it can dish out.

This is my first time streaming anything for GammaSquad (Dan usually does the honors), so please forgive any technical hiccups. Also, this will be the first time I’ve touched Bloodborne, so I apologize if the stream is just me fiddling with menu screens and dying repeatedly on the first enemy for a couple hours.

All those caveats aside, I hope you’ll join me! The stream will start at around 4:40 EST/1:40 PT and will go until my spirit has been broken.

Note: You can now watch the stream and all my failures whenever you want via YouTube (jump to the 5 minute mark to get started).