Meet The Gaming Fan Who Recreated ‘Super Mario 64’ In High Definition

When Nintendo marks the 20th anniversary of the Nintendo 64 next year, we’ll be there to celebrate. Until then, let’s enjoy the beloved video game company’s entry into the 21st century with Super Mario 64 in beautifully crisp high definition — courtesy computer science student Erik Roystan Ross.

Ross, who blogs “about the problems of video game development so others can fix them,” recreated the first level of Super Mario 64 to demonstrate his Super Character Controller:

Everything is just as you remember, except some really minor stuff that nobody cared about like red coins or the Wing Cap or the Big Bob-omb. Replacing them are crowd pleasers like giant springs and coin blocks. (Via)

Ross built both the program and the “Bob-Omb Battlefield” level in Unity, a programming language popular with indie and multi-platform video game developers. Interested gamers and teary-eyed, nostalgic Nintendo aficionados (raises both hands) can download the desktop version for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

(Via Erik Roystan Ross)