Sinbad is broke

Just the other day I was wondering what ever happened to Sinbad (like seriously, publicly-on-record wondering about Sinbad), and today TMZ has answered my prayers. Though I have to admit, considering he came out with a comedy special called “Where You Been” three years ago, “what ever happened to Sinbad” probably isn’t the most original thought I’ve ever had.

If you answered “bankrupt” or “in trouble with the tax man,” congratulations, you’re double right!

’90s comedian Sinbad claims he’s broke as a joke … again — filing for bankruptcy for the second time since 2009.

Sinbad (real name David Adkins) filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy last month, claiming he owes $10,991,715 in debt … and only has $131,000 in assets.

The 56-year-old comedian — famous for his roles in ’90s movies like “Houseguest” and “Jingle All the Way” — says he owes $374,979 to American Express, $32,199 to Bank of America, and $2.3 million to the CA Franchise Tax Board.

“’90s comedian” is a doozy of a subtle diss. Brutal.

He also claims he owes $8.3 million to the IRS for taxes from 1998-2006, and admits he owes both state and federal taxes from 2009-2012.

According to the bankruptcy docs, Sinbad earns only $16,000 per month and can’t afford to pay his bills.

$16,000 a month seems like an oddly-stable salary for a comedian. Does he have a regular gig we don’t know about? Houseguest royalties? Or maybe that’s just the stipend he gets from the government to continue being Sinbad? That seems like a fair amount for continued Sinbadry. I support Subsidies for Sinbadry.

But we haven’t even gotten to my favorite part of every celebrity-bankrupcty-filing story: the listing of assets.

But the bright side, he’s still got some possessions — a 2007 BMW 750i, a 2006 VW Beetle, a 2010 Ford F150, a 2010 Lincoln Navigator, $5,000 in home office equipment … and 200 copies of “Sinbad’s Guide to Life” currently for sale on Amazon for $6.25 each. [TMZ]

Okay, so it’s not quite Nic Cage’s dinosaur skulls and snake venom, or Gary Busey’s extensive collection of moccasins (I mean moccasins as in the shoes Indians wear, though I wouldn’t be surprised if he also had the snakes – Gary Busey’s the only guy where that’s unclear). But listing unsold copies of your own book as assets in your bankruptcy filing is up there with “baby shoes, never worn” when it comes to the shortest sad stories.

I just hope this won’t stop him from continuing to be Sinbad. Stay Sinbad, Sinbad. You are the best Sinbad.