Kate Upton Was Pissed At Terry Richardson Over The ‘Cat Daddy’ Video

The year was 2012.

Furious 7 was merely a sparkle on Vin Diesel’s shiny head, a monkey cosplayed as Margot Tenenbaum in an Ikea, and a young Kate Upton did the “Cat Daddy” for Terry Richardson in a behind-the-scenes video. Upton recently talked about that fame-making dance with Vogue UK, and how she was none too pleased that Weird Uncle Terry released it without her permission.

The video received millions of hits…but, at the time, Upton was horrified because the behind-the-scenes video had been filmed for fun, not something she expected would make the final cut. Did she stand up to Richardson when she discovered it had gone viral? “Yes, I did. I was like, ‘That was disrespectful, you could have told me!'” She couldn’t stay angry: the video helped to secure Upton’s global fame. “Now, obviously, it’s fine,” she says. (Via)

This isn’t the first time Terry did something creepy, and it won’t be the last, unfortunately. Via Vogue UK

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