Uber Will Give You Free Ride HomeIf You’re Drunk Enough (But Only In Canada)

Here’s an extra incentive to getting shitfaced drunk: Uber will give you a ride home for free! In Canada, anyway, for now. As part of a marketing stunt, the rideshare company has set up an Uber Safe breathalyzer kiosk in downtown Toronto. As bar patrons file out for the night, they can determine whether or not they’re too drunk to drive, and if so, Uber will call them a car, totally on the house!

According to Engadget, Uber is pleased with the initial response and is open to the idea of installing more kiosks, possibly in other cities in the future. The idea is great in theory, but if you live in a city where driving isn’t all that feasible in the first place, I can see how this would go horribly wrong. Don’t feel like waiting for the bus? Consider that next round on Uber. Paying for stinky cabs is for suckers! Drunks would be lining up ’round the block.