A Man Set Both Himself And His Rental Car On Fire Attempting To Kill Bed Bugs


Bed bugs are the worst. Once they get onto your clothes and into your luggage, they can be nearly impossible to get rid of, and the thought of bringing them into your home is terrifying. I personally won’t feel comfortable in a hotel until I’ve pulled the bed and mattress apart and found no sign of them, and sometimes not even then.

So, you really can’t completely blame someone for wanting to set their stuff on fire when they suspect bed bugs. That’s not what this 44-year-old Long Island man, Scott Kemery, was intending to do when he accidentally set himself and his rental car on fire, though, and he certainly didn’t mean for said fire to then spread to two other nearby cars in a supermarket parking lot, according to Long Island’s Newsday.

“He said he had bedbugs in the car, and someone told him if he saturated them with alcohol, it would kill them,” said arson Det. Sgt. Edward Fitzgerald. “So he went and bought some alcohol, he poured it all in there and he sat in his car and lit a cigarette..”

The intense heat from the fire heavily damaged two other cars, police said. Kemery was able to escape his burning car on his own, police said. He remained in the emergency room Tuesday night, but was expected to be admitted, police said.

Clearly, this guy is not the brightest light bulb, but still. If you perform a Google Image Search for “bed bug bites,” I think most people can agree it could have potentially been worse. Not the people who owned the other cars, though. They would not say that. Annnnd, now I’m itching.

Someone caught the video below of the parking lot scene going down. I’d say he got them!
