Watch This Man Proceed To Cat Call In The Middle Of An Anti-Cat Call Report

In case you missed out, signs pointing out “anti-cat calling zones” are showing up all over New York in an effort to raise awareness about street harassment and possibly bring about a slight change in attitudes. From The Daily News:

Dozens of “No Catcall Zone” signs have been popping up in New York City to keep unwanted jeers at bay during International Anti-Street Harassment Week.

Feminist Apparel, a nonprofit feminist clothing company, has claimed credit for the more than 50 street signs that have been spotted in Manhattan and Brooklyn this week.

“We hope to get at least one sign up in each borough by the end of the week as street harassment and catcalling is obviously a universal issue not contained to any one neighborhood,” the group said in a statement.

The guy in this video apparently missed that message and decided to double down on his support of cat calling, even going so far as to show his technique on camera and noting that it is the same way he would call a dog.

Mashable’s Jonathan Ellis ‏reached out to Patrick Jones, the man from Buzz 60 conducting the interview, who called it the craziest interview of his career.

Wonder if this lady is going to take another walk after this?

(Via Mashable / Buzz60 / New York Daily News)