These Long-Lost Siblings Reunited After Swiping Right On Tinder

The last time siblings Erik de Vries and Josephine Egberts saw each other was in 1999, when their parents separated. Dad took Erik to Belgium, Mom held on to Josephine and remained in the Netherlands, and the brother and sister eventually lost track of the other’s whereabouts.

Until recently, when they, oops, both swiped right on Tinder.

“The first time I swiped her profile I had absolutely no idea,” de Vries told Mic. “To be honest, it hasn’t been on my mind in the past few years after Maarten, my brother, and I finished a failed search for Josephine a few years ago.”

And yet he happened to swipe right, assuming Egberts was just a nice stranger. So de Vries started talking to her like anyone else. “In our first conversation I was actually flirting with her so the conversation was very superficial,” he said. (Via)

Eventually, the siblings realized they were related (“the fact that [I] had a lost sister and she had lost her twin brothers did give her suspicion as well”), preventing an IRL Joffrey.

The world’s pigeon population thanks them for not boning. Via: MIC

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