The Riddler Gets His Own “Batman: Arkham City” Trailer

The newest trailer for Batman: Arkham City (for sale October 18th) shows the return of the Riddler.  In the first game, you never saw him, instead hearing him on an intercom.  If you solved 240 optional riddles, you’d hear him getting arrested while insisting Batman cheated.  Now he’s a more visible character, and he’s kidnapping civilians and placing them in death traps Batman will have to save them from.  There are also several clues in the trailer below, and we already have the solution to those. (Skip to the video if you don’t want the spoilers.)

The trailer includes words with numbers in them: “pup(1)pet Kee(18)p wh(2)at t(5)o Shar(8)p t(13)his doe(5)s m(1)e a(20) i(20)t Ridd(9)le str(2)ing? t(20)ake o(14)n Str(15)ange”  The numbers are a boring old alphabet cipher spelling out “I am better than you.”  The words, when rearranged, say, “Riddle me this what does it take to Keep a Sharp puppet on a Strange string?”  This is a reference to Quincy Sharp, the former warden of Arkham Asylum and current Mayor of Gotham who is being medicated and controlled by Hugo Strange (a villain already confirmed to be in Arkham City).  I’m not sure why the word “Keep” is also capitalized.  Maybe they’re suggesting I keep spending time looking for clues in this video.  Maybe they’re giving me permission to beat them with a Trapper Keeper for having to type this paragraph.  Yeah, it’s definitely that.

[Hat tip and 240 achievements to RockPaperShotgun]