Call of Duty Ran Out Of Wars, Put Zombies On The Moon

The newest Call of Duty: Black Ops DLC coming out August 23rd for Xbox 360 (PC release to be announced) is called “Rezurrection”.  It includes “remastered” versions of the four zombie maps from the Hardened and Prestige versions of Black Ops (Nacht der Untoten, Verruckt, Shi No Numa, and Der Riese).  It also includes four new songs (because I buy first-person shooters for the music, maaaan) and — here’s the important part — an all-new level where you fight zombies on the moon.  Activision, shut up and take my money.

According to a new blog entry on the Call of Duty: Black Ops site, the astronaut zombies that infest the lunar surface of the new map can be obliterated with a new collection of space weapons, including the Wave gun, which cooks enemies inside out, and the mysterious “Quantum Entanglement Device” whose properties remain a secret for now. The new level will be set in and around a malfunctioning moon base. Players will have to deal with fluctuating gravity to defeat the zombie menace. [PCGamer]

The pack will cost 1200 Microsoft Points ($15) if you don’t already have the Hardened or Prestige version of Black Ops.  If you’ve already got one of those versions, you can get the moon level for free.  Either way, you can look forward to conversations like this:

Sounds about right.  More pictures below:

[Pictures via Epic4Chan and Kotaku]