Remember ‘Snake?’ A Sequel Is Slithering To Your Smartphone Next Week.

If you remember throwing your Nokia across the room or restraining yourself from punching the computer screen after a rousing game of Snake, you’re going to be really happy about this news: Snake is coming for your smartphone. And from the looks of it, it’s going to be just as fun as ever was. It’s going to be prettier, too.

The Verge reports that the game’s creator is launching this official sequel later next week. While there’s going to be a level that looks like you’re playing on your mom’s old Nokia, there will also be some new additions:

[The] game will span ten different levels, each with its own music and visual design — including one that looks like you’re playing on a classic phone. It also adds in another modern twist, as Snake Rewind will be free to play, with in-app purchases. While there have been plenty of Snake clones over the years, this will be the first from Armanto, a former engineer at Nokia. Snake Rewind is launching on May 14th on Android, iOS, and Windows Phone.

Apple is going to make so much money from screen repairs this month.

Source: The Verge