A School Threatens To Shut Down Prom In Reaction To Male Students Conducting A ‘Prom Draft’

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As any red-blooded ‘MERICAN male will tell you, the NFL Draft over the years has become absurdly popular.

Football-starved fans watch the annual event in the millions, hoping they get the next steal for their favorite (probably crappy) team. With all this hype and fanfare, it’s not shocking to see people wanting to incorporate the draft in their day-to-day lives. According to KCAL9, one California high school’s students are under fire, though, for attempting to draft dates in an NFL-style fashion.

Male students at Corona del Mar High School in Costa Mesa, California, were found to be ranking potential female prom dates in an NFL-style draft. Some aspiring Jerry Joneses were even discovered going as far as to pay for first round “picks.” This draft activity is nothing new to the school, though, as it was found out last year students were involved in similar activities.

The Newport Mesa Unified School District was none too pleased with the recurring actions of the male students, and issued a statement threatening to end prom altogether:

“The principal’s ‘all call’ to parents was a pre-emptive measure to advise parents of her concerns and ask for their help based on rumors coming to her from students.”

“If a prom draft occurs in 2015 she will cancel prom, which would affect over 800 students, for the actions of a few.”

Some parents were also concerned that the boys running the draft could damage the confidence of girls that weren’t drafted (better known as UDFAs):

“I think that these boys probably had fun and easygoing, nice intentions and never meant for anybody to get hurt,” parent Jessica Susolik said. “Some parents are concerned that there is a negative atmosphere surrounding the prom draft and if their children or daughters weren’t chosen, how are their feelings affected?”

The guys running this draft probably aren’t scouting for future potential, though. That wild, hot girl you drafted early may look great on your arm at prom, but she might end up being a potential Ryan Leaf situation at the after-party. That would be sooo not cool, brah.

(Via KCAL9 )