Daenerys Shoots The T-1000 In This Latest Clip From ‘Terminator: Genisys’

Word of mouth has been almost non-existent for Terminator: Genisys, despite the fact that there’s only a month to go before the release (July 1st). Perhaps that’s to be expected with a title that sounds like a prog rock album. In any case, today brings us a new Terminator: Genisys clip, starring Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese, Emilia Clarke as Sarah Conner, and Byung-hun Lee as the new Korean-built T-1000.

The plot this time around seems to be that Sarah Conner has to save Kyle Reese‘s ass. “Come with me if you want to live!” she shouts, giving him the old table turn. I wonder if she knows in advance that she has to bang him to begat humanity’s greatest general this time. It must be nice for her that he shows up looking like Jai Courtney. I’d love to see a version where Josh Gad pops out of the time machine buck naked, with Sarah Conner standing there with her head cocked to the side going, “Jesus, I must’ve been drunk.” And then Josh Gad would be all, “Whatever, I was really good in Book of Mormon!”

Anyway, this clip looks pretty cheesy, but Alan Taylor last directed Thor: The Dark World, which was cheesy in all the best ways. I’d also like to believe that swords-through-the-wall moment was a direct reference to Friends.