Alex Jones: ‘The Attacks In Orlando Were A False Flag Terror Attack’

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The rush of Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting media coverage encompassed many facets of the horrific rampage. In response, candlelight vigils for the victims took place across the globe, including one in Sydney, Australia, where a woman holds a banner in the above photo. She urges the world not to blame Muslims for the act of one individual. Indeed, Omar Saddiqui Mateen appeared to be radicalized and even pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (on a 911 call during the massacre), which bears little resemblance to the peaceful religion of Islam. Mateen left victims, families, and the general public in his wake after storming clubgoers with a semi-automatic weapon. Folks would be forgiven for not pausing to consider what the completely insane Alex Jones thought of the tragedy.

Still, no hot-button issue would be complete without a Jones perspective. He’s a great friend of the gun-toting Ted Nugent, loves to invite special guests for tinfoil hat sessions, and nearly topped himself by insisting that Beyonce’s “Lemonade” is a CIA conspiracy to launch a race war. And when it comes to the Orlando shooter, Jones thinks he can explain everything. He insists that the attack was a false flag. That is, Jones firmly believes the government orchestrated the massacre so that Muslims will flood America and keep launching attacks. In turn, this will prompt the government to pry guns away from God-fearing American citizens:

“Our governments are bringing these people in and they’re allowing them to operate openly in our society so they can attack us and then have our freedoms taken.”

What Jones fails to note is that Mateen was a U.S.-born citizen. The media has discovered many things about this gunman — including his unhinged, violent, and homophobic ways — but he certainly was not brought into the country as part of a government ruse. Here’s Jones latest bit of madness in video format. This guy never stops.