This Australian Terror Suspect Wanted To Strap Explosives Onto A Kangaroo


Ever since the coordinated bombings and shooting attacks in Paris this past November, the Islamic State has become bolder in its efforts to plan and inspire terrorism throughout Western Europe, the United States and elsewhere. From the couple inspired by ISIS who shot and killed several people in San Bernardino, California, to the coordinated attacks in Jakarta that ISIS later claimed responsibility for, the frequency of these incidents is rising. Then again, law enforcement officials have successfully stopped many other ISIS attacks and copycats, too.

Consider the case of Australian teenager Sevdet Ramadan Besim. According to the South China Morning Post, authorities put a stop to the 19-year-old’s efforts to terrorize Melbourne police at an annual commemorative ceremony in April honoring the first actions of Australian and New Zealander troops during World War I. Among other things, Besim and his four alleged co-conspirators wanted to employ the help of some local wildlife.

Prosecutors alleged in court documents that Besim discussed with a British-based accomplice in online conversations that a kangaroo could be strapped with explosives, painted with “the IS symbol” and set loose on police.

The teenager also wanted to “use a car to run over, then behead, a police officer.” In fact, according to communications intercepted by police, Besim said he’d “love to take out some cops” and was hoping to “meet with them then take some heads.” All of these things are terrible, mind you, but we need to revisit the “kangaroo could be strapped with explosives” scenario alleged by prosecutors.

You’re probably thinking, “Wait, did he want to put it in the kangaroo’s pouch? Is that how this brilliant plan was going to work?”

No, it’s not. As indicated above, what Besim hoped to accomplish was strap some explosives onto a kangaroo, paint the Islamic State’s symbol onto the animal, and set it loose on the police. This was the teenager’s big terrorist plot.

Thankfully, this incredibly foolish plan did not come to pass, as he was quickly arrested and no marsupials were harmed.

(Via South China Morning Post)