Chelsea Clinton On Hillary: ‘She Makes Me Proud, Every Single Day’

Hillary and Bill Clinton’s only daughter, Chelsea Clinton, introduced her mother at the Democratic National Convention Thursday night. The 36-year-old philanthropist sits on the board of her parents’ charitable organization, the Clinton Foundation.

Chelsea painted a picture of her mother that may have been the softest, and most appealing, of the entire convention. “Every single memory I have of my mom is that regardless of what was happening in her life, she was always, always there for me,” she said. Chelsea told the audience how much her daughter, Charlotte, loves to FaceTime her grandmother.

“I never once doubted that my parents cared about my thoughts and my ideas, and I always knew how deeply they loved me,” Chelsea said. “That feeling of being valued and loved is what my mom wants for every child. It is the calling of her life.”

Chelsea went on, “People ask me all the time, ‘How does she do it? How does she keep going?’ … Here’s how: because she never, ever forgets who she’s fighting for.” She closed by saying she hopes her daughter and son will be as proud of her one day as she is of her mother. “She makes me proud every single day,” Chelsea said. “And Mom: Grandma would be so, so proud of you tonight.”