Corey Lewandowski Has Been Accused Of Sexual Harassment By A Pro-Trump Singer

Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump’s first presidential campaign manager, has been accused of sexual harassment by pro-Trump singer Joy Villa. According to Politico, Villa — who first turned heads last February when she wore a “Make America Great Again”-themed dress to the Grammys red carpet — claims Lewandowski repeatedly smacked her butt while the two were posing for a photo. The incident occurred at the Trump International Hotel in Washington D.C. in late November, where an invite-only roster of the president’s allies and supporters gathered to celebrate his first year in office.

“I said, if you’re busy, don’t worry about it, we don’t have to take a photo,” Villa recalls of Lewandowski, who apparently “rolled his eyes” when she and a friend first approached him. Regardless of his apparent disinterest, however, the two posed for a photo:

“I’m wearing this silver suit and stretchy pants, and after the photo, he smacks my ass really hard,” Villa said. “It was completely demeaning and shocking.”

In the moment, Villa said, she confronted him. “I said, ‘Watch it.’ Half-joking, I said, ‘I can report you for sexual harassment.'”

In response, per Villa’s account, Lewandowski said, “Go ahead, I work in the private sector.” The former Trump advisor then “[smacked her] ass again” and went on about his business. The singer’s friend corroborated her account with Politico. However, neither Lewandowski nor any of his associates or other party attendees responded to the outlet’s request for comment. While such accusations have not been made against Lewandowski before, the famously irate former campaign manager was accused of assault by former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields during the Republican primaries.

(Via Politico)