Watch Debbie Wasserman Schultz Get Booed Off The Stage By Florida DNC Delegates

The above video shows MSNBC’s reaction to some high drama with another clip, below, showing shouty chaos ahead of the Democratic convention.

First, let’s recap the what caused this reaction. On Sunday, embattled DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced that she will resign her position following the convention. This development followed Wikileaks’ DNC leak of 20,000 emails that mocked Sanders and looked to poke holes in his faith. Officials appeared to undermine Sanders’ candidacy from the very beginning, and although the Clinton campaign has reportedly blamed Russia, this correspondence wasn’t a good look no matter who did the data dumping.

In response, the DNC “quarantined” Wasserman Schultz from the convention. She won’t gavel the proceedings, and her big speech has been nixed, but she’s still appearing at events. Monday’s gathering of Florida delegates was not pleased to see her take the mic in Philadelphia. The crowd held up signs that read, “Emails.” The booing began immediately, and Wasserman Schultz stepped away briefly before returning to speak about the Fort Myers nightclub shooting: “We know the voices in this room that are standing up and being disruptive, that’s not the Florida we know.” Well, that did not stop the booing or the shouts of “Shame!”

This video tells the tale. During her speech, Wasserman Schultz vowed to hit the campaign trail every day for the sake of unity, but she may want to rethink that plan now.