The Body Of The Toddler Snatched By An Alligator At Disney World Has Been Found

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The worst news that a parent can receive is that their child has perished. Sadly, that’s the plight of a father and mother right now in Orlando, Florida, for they just received word that their 2-year old son was found dead.

The incident occurred Tuesday night, when an alligator rushed upon the shoreline of a beach near The Grand Floridian Resort at Disney World. A child was wading in the shallow water of the lagoon when the gator snatched the young boy and dragged him into the water. Both the father and mother entered the water to try to pry their son from the gator’s grasp, but to no avail. The father suffered some wounds in the battle.

Fifteen hours elapsed after the attack, and at first, officials could find no sign of the boy. But, around 4 PM EST, the search team in the area came across the body of the child, describing it as “intact.” In other words, it seems as though the child drowned during the struggle.

The lagoon has larger bodies of water that filter into it, and it’s believed that’s possibly how the alligator was able to enter the lagoon.

Here’s some CNN video coverage from earlier in the day. Our prayers and condolences go out to the family of the young boy.

(via CNN)