George H.W. Bush Makes A Surprise Appearance At The Super Bowl For The Coin Toss And Receives A Standing Ovation

Only a few short weeks ago, George H.W. Bush’s ailing health prompted widespread worries when he landed in intensive care due to pneumonia-related complications. Barbara Bush also entered the hospital for health issues, but one week later, both felt much better and were on the upswing.

Due to doctor’s orders, the Bushes weren’t able to attend Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day ceremony, but they resurfaced in public for the Super Bowl LI coin toss in Houston. George Sr. received a standing ovation for his spirited toss, and the coin landed in favor of the Atlanta Falcons.

Vice President Mike Pence, however, did not receive the same warm welcome, as Juliet Macur (of the New York Times) pointed out on Twitter.

According to Bush family spokesperson Jim McGrath (via the Houston Chronicle), George Sr. was “fired up” for the toss and thrilled about the venue:

“They feel great. They’ve been taking it easy since they’ve both been discharged from the hospital — saving up their strength. They’re just fired up and didn’t want to overexert themselves and risk not being able to make it. They’re so focused on this and so proud of their hometown.”

May both Bushes’ good health continue. And it’s game time!

(Via Fox Sports & Houston Chronicle)