Geraldo Rivera Called Out Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro For Saying The U.S. Is Too ‘Politically Correct’ With Muslims

Geraldo Rivera went head to head with the entire gathering of Fox and Friends talking heads. Mainly, he sparred with Judge Jeanine Pirro before the FBI’s announcement that the San Bernardino mass shooting was “an act of terrorism.” On Saturday, ISIS did hail the shooters as “supporters” (and said, “We pray to God to accept them as martyrs”) but did not claim responsibility for the attacks. The FBI still believes the shooters acted on their own without direction from a larger cell.

None of ISIS’ words have much to do with Pirro’s words on Friday morning. She loudly insisted that Muslim jihadists are the only religious extremists who are “dead-set on killing us.” Whereas Rivera responded that there is a whole “spectrum” of extremists who would do the same. Pirro’s words led to her ultimate point:

“Lets not be stupid here. The people who are killing us, who are dead-set on killing us to the point where they’re willing to die themselves are the Muslim jihadists. What we got here are people who are coming here on rubber-stamped visas. Right now we are at war. They are at war with us. They want to kill us … We have to understand that we can no longer be politically correct. The neighbors said, you know we saw these what looked like Muslims, and they were bringing in boxes, and we didn’t want to say anything because we didn’t want to be politically incorrect … that’s hogwash!”

Rivera held his ground and pointed out how the Oregon shooter was a mass killer but was not Muslim. Nor were Joseph Stalin or Adolf Hitler for that matter. Pirro continued: “And you know what? There’s a drug kingpin who just killed somebody last night somewhere in America.” This prompted Rivera to draw fire upon the NRA as well: “Then why is it that the gun store in America is open 24/7?”

Rivera then asked the group whether or not mass shooters and terrorists are “all the same,” and he referenced the New York Daily News‘ cover that labeled the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre as “a terrorist.” Rivera then turned to a military guest (who was defending the second amendment): “I tell you Major, those parents of those 6 year olds at Sandy Hook, it was all the same to them. Society is at war with these anarchists.”

To which Pirro replied, “Yeah, they’re Islamics.” She won’t change her mind, so here are Rivera’s recently tweeted thoughts on the NRA.