Michelle Obama’s Makes Her Most Emotional Plea For Hillary Yet: ‘Don’t Play Around With A Protest Vote’

On this eve of the election, the Obamas came out in Philadelphia, where they gave for their final stump speeches in front of Independence Hall. Michelle, who’s been banging the drum for months, delivered perhaps her fiercest talk yet with Bill Clinton by her side. FLOTUS characterized Hillary as a leader who “sees the dignity in all of us” and considers “our diversity not as a threat, but as a blessing.”

Michelle revealed that this speech was “perhaps the last and most important thing that I can do for my country as First Lady.” That is, she aims to usher in the new leadership and urge the country not to stay at home or throw away their vote: “This election is on us. If we get out and vote tomorrow, Hillary Clinton will win,” she said. “If we stay home or play around with a protest vote, Hillary’s opponent will win. Period.” Will this be enough to urge more people to the polls? Already, early voting is at a record high across the nation, including in Florida and Chicago. This election could see phenomenal (if not record) turnout. Still, FLOTUS wants to avoid complacency.

Michelle’s speech ended with an introduction of her husband, who she praised not only for “always going high when they go low” but also “showing us all what intelligence, dignity, and grace really look like.” Obama’s speech was full of vigor as well. “I’m betting that America will reject a politics of resentment and a politics of blame,” he said. “I’m betting that tomorrow, you will reject fear, and you will choose hope. I’m betting that the wisdom, decency, and generosity of the American people will once again win the day — and that’s a bet that I’ve never, ever lost.”

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